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Match result

season XVI, 1/8-final
Team badge
Bad Moon Backstabbers

gate: 109 000
6 TD score 2
cas score
Team badge
New Forest Rangers


Dammit Sgudasguda retired
profile Dingle Belli retired
profile Dingle Belli retired
Kyng Kinde retired
Kyng Kinde retired
Puni Hardon retired
TD Scorers
Myung-Bak Lee retired
Joongang dong retired
Foulers (no cas)

profile Brickskull (N)everdodge Hall of Fame Bounty (70000 gp) retired
mercenary / fans / random event
mercenary / fans / random event
Dammit Sgudasguda retired
Badly Hurt'ers
mercenary / fans / random event
Chewon Kim Bounty (30000 gp) retired
Serious Injurers
Hyung-mi retired

profile Brickskull (N)everdodge Hall of Fame Bounty (70000 gp) retired
Completions By
Hyo-seung Ahn retired
Hyo-seung Ahn retired
Hyo-seung Ahn retired
Hyo-seung Ahn retired
Interceptions By

profile Dingle Belli retired
MVP awards to
Eun Young retired
Sustained Injuries

-1 AV
victim healed by apoth
Result added April 30th, 2006

Match notes
Things looked OK for the Gobos as, the Elves only managed to muster 11 players to kick off. But the first part of the match went the Elves way. They sacked the Gobos in their drive, knocked them off the pitch and ruled the match. And the gobos on the other hand, hardly sat a foot right fumbling and falling.
In the dying seconds of the first half the Gobos managed to score a lucky equalizer by throwing a goblin.
The luck turned in the next half. Many things went right for the Gobos and the Elves experienced some bad luck, and was quickly outnumbered. The Gobos kept stealing the ball and scoring in the Elves' drives.

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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