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Match result

Season XXVII, cross-over 1
Team badge
Blood Bowl Bunnies

gate: 26 000
1 TD score 3
cas score
Team badge
Scum of the Earth


profile Billie Luder Hall of Fame dead
TD Scorers
profile Ed Gein dead
profile Andrei Chikatilo retired
profile Andrei Chikatilo retired
Foulers (no cas)
Badly Hurt'ers
profile Tiny
Serious Injurers
profile Doc. Satan
profile Andrei Chikatilo retired
profile Andrei Chikatilo retired
mercenary / fans / random event

profile Queen Bruise retired
profile Queen Bruise retired
profile Queen Bruise retired
profile Queen Bruise retired
Completions By
Donald H Gaskins
Donald H Gaskins
Interceptions By

MVP awards to
Rush Limbaugh dead
Sustained Injuries

profile Den Danske Model
Miss Next Game

-1 AG

profile Alma Nak dead
Result added September 21st, 2011

Match notes
The Bunnies opted to receive the ball and went fast ahead. 1-0.

The Bunnies the broke the Scum offence but were unable to capitalize. Scum started grinding down the opposition and scoring touchdowns. By the middle of the second half the Bunnies were heavily decimated and the Scum victory was never in doubt.

3-1 in a match marred by several rookie mistakes by both coaches.

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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