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Match result

Season XXIX, round 3
Goblin logo
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Addicted Lunatics Clan

gate: 24 000
1 TD score 1
cas score
Team badge
Movie Starz


Major Chip Hazard dead
TD Scorers
profile Chuck Norris
Foulers (no cas)
Badly Hurt'ers
profile Brek Pitt Bounty (20000 gp)

Serious Injurers
profile Xin Diesel
profile Chuck Norris

profile Brek Pitt Bounty (20000 gp)

Flatface Neverfall
Completions By
profile Krennu Reves
Interceptions By

profile Pvt. Duane D. Doberman dead
MVP awards to
profile Bob Downey Jr
Sustained Injuries

victim healed by apoth
profile Mr & Mrs Payne retired
-1 MA
victim healed by apoth

profile Flubber retired
-1 ST

profile Mr. Magoo dead
victim healed by apoth
Result added September 22nd, 2012

Match notes
At todays match 9k addicts fans compete with 15k Movie fans, but we can all se how that will turn out, as addicts and movie watchers often can get along when they watch moviestars.

1st Half.
The Movie stars kickoff to the recieving Addicts, and both teams show some brilliant coaching.

The fanatic couple Mr & Mrs Payne starts out with a little dance, in which they start out with knocking down 2 opponents, one of them Starplayer Ripper Bolgrot who is Knocked Out, but with the last opponent they disagree on whether to just pushback the 3rd opponent or go for the knockdown, but Mrs Payne gets the last word when she knocks down both the Black Orc, knocking him ot, and then gets tangeled around Mr Paynes legs smashing his hip (SI 53, -MA)(Dices Rerolled to Attacker down & Both Down).
The team apoth Mad Egg Fingerskull storms out to fix the hip, but is unable to prevent Mrs Payne from smashing Mr. Paynes other Knee in the following argument (SI 54, -MA).
Mr. Payne loudly proclaims that he wants a divorce, since he feels Mrs. payne have stopped being an extension of their common desires and no longer completes him, she have become a prisoners ball&chain around his leg, now just slowing him down.

He is going single, and proclaims that we will soon see him on the field again without her.

Back to the game, Jock Stinkyfeet fouls twice, killing one opponent and maiming another (Si 54 -MA), but the two apoths saves the stars with some plastic surgery, and they are fixed up and ready to continue the match without any damage to their career.

The Movie Stars retaliate with a hired wizard who fireballs 5 Addict players, but only knocking down 2 who arenīt even stunned by the heat.

In the meantime Major Chip Hazard runs downfield, while a hail mary pass is close to him, but lands right in the endzone. Major Chip Hazard is knocked down by a blitz, but he wont give up, he gets p and runs into the endzone and picks up the ball for a 1-0 td.

In the rest of the first half, things dont go right for the addicts, the Holy Hand Grenade play have no effect, the players are always knocked down, and failed dodges stops the attempts to get to the ball carrier, but a failed handoff in the final minutes stops the Movie stars equalizer, and the score is still 1-0.

2nd Half.
Apparently the fans did not like the ref sending off Mr & Mrs Payne & Keen-eye Hailbomb (Even though they were unable to play on due to injuries), so they Get The Ref, and the replacement promises the fans to let the teams off with a warning in the second half.

The Movie Stars grind into a harder gear as Brek Pitt kills Mr. Magoo while Chuck Norris roundhouse kicks Flubber into pudding Smashing his Collar Bone....?(SI 58 -ST), which is quite a feat since he did not have one on the first place, being a living Gello! But that is Chuck Norris in a nutshell, creating something ekstraordinary so he can break it afterwards.
Flubber is now looking foreward to a retirement until he can get rid of the newly formed/broken Collar Bone and reform to his original shape.

Kip Killigan runs in for a blizzsaw, but cant get through the armour of Brek Pitt, who promptly grabs the chainsaw and promptly returns the favour BH hurting Kip Killigan.
Gryan Reynolds makes a foul and Badly Hurts Jock Stinkyfeet stopping his maiming spree.

The addicts have gotten two players up the field, and the ball is sent hurling towards them in a Hail Mary, caught by Clad Swine-Raider, who is quickly knocked down by thrower Krennu Reves, while blitzer? Criz Bale gets tha ball and attempts a pass downfield, but is inaccurate and lands next to the trolls.

Clad Swine-Raider & Major Chip Hazard runs away to await recieving the ball, but a failed dodge gives the Movie stars a chance in the final minutes.

A failed pickup changes the situation to a likely 2-1 win for the addicts, Wumph Headball blitzes an orc out of the way to allow for Pvt. Duane D. Doberman to run over to pickup the ball and throw it towards Clad Swine-Raider who are sorrounded by Movie stars, but the inacccurate pass ends up out of his range, and thus ends the match 1-1.
Could have gone both ways.

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