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Match result

season X, round 2
Team badge
Kiss of Death

gate: 61 000
0 TD score 3
cas score
Team badge
Headz'n'Tailzz BBC

TD Scorers
profile Magnuz Tagmuz retired
profile Squik A'lot Hall of Fame Bounty (50000 gp) retired
profile Squik A'lot Hall of Fame Bounty (50000 gp) retired
Foulers (no cas)
Badly Hurt'ers
mercenary / fans / random event
profile Bone Chewie Hall of Fame Bounty (20000 gp) retired
profile Franzz
mercenary / fans / random event
Serious Injurers
mercenary / fans / random event
profile Bone Chewie Hall of Fame Bounty (20000 gp) retired

profile Sioux
profile Hanzz dead

Completions By
profile Fang'zy TouzzH Bounty (10000 gp) dead
profile Fang'zy TouzzH Bounty (10000 gp) dead
Interceptions By

profile Casey Jones dead
profile Creek retired
MVP awards to
profile Bone Chewie Hall of Fame Bounty (20000 gp) retired
Sustained Injuries

profile Mohegan
Miss Next Game

profile Casey Jones dead
Brown Nozza dead
Result added February 25th, 2003

Match notes
Casey Jones received a MVP before the match (handicap roll) - too bad he is no longer among us to enjoy it! he was so horribly killed by the storm vermin Hanzz when he made his first and only mistake in the game - he mistoke the rodent for being the twin brother Franzz which proved fatal!
the game itself was quite even all the way in first half - with the rats just managing to come out with a single TD. the elves seemed very caught up on mauling the rat ogre Bone Chewie and they threw him all around the field but never got to beat his armour!
then things went all wrong for the oh so noble elves - falling over their own legs failing what they normally do without thinking - and the rats very soon took advantage of the luck going their way...and so mayheym started! blocking and scoring the dynamic duo Squik A'lot and Bone Chewie were indeed a factor in the 3-0 win.
a good game for the skaven but a dreadfull day for the elves whom will probably try to get this match behind them as fast as possible.
R.I.P Casey Jones <--- Så kan han fandeme LÆRE det! :(

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