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Match result

season XI, round 2
Team badge
Silverado Snakeskins

gate: 32 000
2 TD score 1
cas score
Lizardmen logo
no custom badge
Slann Renegades


profile Adam retired
profile Silent Opposistion retired
TD Scorers
profile Slick Snakeeyes dead
Foulers (no cas)
Badly Hurt'ers
Serious Injurers
Kothoga "Beast" Slowitz Bounty (30000 gp)

mercenary / fans / random event
mercenary / fans / random event
Kothoga "Beast" Slowitz Bounty (30000 gp)

profile Adam retired
profile Lucifer retired
Completions By
Interceptions By

profile Dr. Klawfinger retired
MVP awards to
profile Old "Drool" Draken Bounty (10000 gp) retired
Sustained Injuries

profile The tripping of little feet retired
-1 AV

profile Mikado dead
victim healed by apoth
victim healed by apoth
Result added October 8th, 2003

Match notes
From the perspective of the Renegade team, Lady Luck herself must have been observing the match and seemed to have been having a blast. The luck of the Renegades went from total destruction to heavenly bliss from one minute to another.

Even though the Snakeskinīs were no match to the brute strenght of The Renegadeīs, their opponents showed a remarkable ability of handling the ball.
No matter how much they were massacered, they still went for the ball instead of retaliating (which confused the Renegades rather much) and on most occasions they were succesfull which eventually (combined with the Renegadeīs inability to do the most simple things like recieving a handoff) made it possible to win the match.
The coach (as well as the team) hopefully awaits a future match in which they can meet, where you can be sure the team will do what they must to win.

Before the match while the small group of spectators were filling in, the Renegadeīs members were waiting in the team dugout while following the prematch rituals.
As the coach hissed his commands and team tactics, everyone noticed that neither HandBag McGrath nor Tiamat Twister were present, rumour has it that they had traveled away to observe other matches being played elsewere (both failed their niggling roll).
So The Renegades started the match out with having only 10 players appearing on the field to the Snakeskinīs kickoff whereafter their skinks ran downfield, Crocodile Sneaker tried to go after them to prevent them from getting the ball downfield, but were tripped by an opponent and crashed dead to the ground, the team shaman went out with his potions and managed to bring him back (by strict orders from the coach to do so or be fed the the team stegadon, or maybe Kothoga "Beast" Slowitz since he had failed last match).
Slann Renegades - Death Extravagante (season XI, round 1).
After having started the game on a wrong foot, the luck turned as the Snakeskinīs were falling everywhere, and in a last attempt Slick Snakeeyes equaled the score just before halftime.

In the Second half, after a second touchdown to Silverado, the same killing spree continued resulting in the Snakeīs loss of two players whereas only one of them woke up again (the other got hit in the head by a rock whcih stayed there), and one of them litteraly had his skin (as well as flesh) torn off, but still nobody on the Renegadeīs could handle the ball for long, and was unable to score to a tie although there were several attempts.

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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