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Match result

season XIII, round 3
Team badge
Stone Curve

gate: 55 000
3 TD score 2
cas score
Team badge
Blood Bowl Bunnies


profile Willow Beardstrapper retired
profile Willow Beardstrapper retired
profile Willow Beardstrapper retired
TD Scorers
profile Ane Uråd retired
profile Hvasse Line dead
Foulers (no cas)

profile Hoslar F. Butter
profile Truid Slugger retired
mercenary / fans / random event
mercenary / fans / random event
Badly Hurt'ers
Serious Injurers

profile Harald Brimstone Bounty (10000 gp)
profile Harald Brimstone Bounty (10000 gp)
Completions By
profile Lykke Pille dead
Interceptions By

profile Huttenfield Knuckles retired
MVP awards to
profile Synne Buch Hall of Fame Bounty (50000 gp) retired
Sustained Injuries
victim healed by apoth
profile D.Talje dead
Result added September 23rd, 2004

Match notes
In perfect Blood Bowl weather the two teams lined up. Four Stone Curve players were running late, so their head coach decided to let the Bunnies start.

The Bunnies lined up for their famous run down the sideline. A bad kick resulted in a touchback to Lykke Pille. With little chance of stopping them Stone Curve had to concede an early touchdown. Ane Uråd the scorer. 0-1.

Then Stone Curve lined up and went into cage formation. Bunnies dodged their best to stay one step in front of the dwarven players – most often succeeding. At one time D.Talje had the opportunity to leap into the cage. This she did and knocked down the ball carrier. It bounced to another Stone Curve player. In the next turn Harald Brimstone managed to knock down and kill D.Talje. Bunny apothecary Bandha Ghista stepped up and saved her, though. The Bunny defence managed to stall the dwarves until the final round of the first half. Then Willow Bearstrapper managed to go for it into the endzone. 1-1.

In the beginning of the second half the Bunnies managed to throw a blitz against Stone Curve resulting in D.Talje’s catching the ball on kick-off. She was blocked to the ground, but Hvasse Line managed to pick up the ball and go for it twice into the endzone. 1-2.

Stone Curve then managed to send a new cage down the field. During the drive Harald Brimstone felt he had some unfinished business to attend to, and he killed D.Talje again. This time for good. This demoralized the Bunny defence who only managed to stall Stone Curve for another round. Apparently it also zapped the Bunny coach’s concentration since he managed to lose both re-rolls appertaining to the second half on illegal procedures. Willow Beardstrapper again made it into the endzone. 2-2.

The Bunnies lined up to concentrate on keeping the ball within their own ranks. But this plan was thwarted as Stone Curve managed a blitz. No Bunny player ever got hold of the ball, and in the end Willow Beardstrapper was able to go for it twice into the endzone, scoring his 3rd touchdown of the match. 3-2.

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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