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Zhartas the Black

Zhartas the Black
Chaos Dwarf Blocker,
Zhatan's Disciples team retired

   Roster number: 7  

Value: 190,000 gp

Interceptions: 0
Completions: 0
Touchdowns: 1
Casualties: 34  (6 were kills!)
MVP awards: 3
Star Player Points: 86
MA ST AG AV Skills
4 3 1 7 Block, Tackle, Thick Skull, Guard, Leader, Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Claw

Sustained Injuries: -2 AV, -AG


-- Zhatan's Disciples has retired team retired --.
-1 AV due to Crush!
Zhartas the Black is an old and seasoned Chaos Dwarf, who has survived countless battles. As a reward he was put in charge of Lord Zhatan's own kennel and pens where he used his capability for inflicting pain well, and often. Feeding his maniacally urges.

He asked for permission to join the team after witnessing them at practice one day and decided that they would need his abilities if they were to make it.

When he joined he brought along a Troll and the two of them really boosted the punching power of the team. Sadly the Troll disappeared rather suddenly and no one could go near the old Chaos Dwarf as his need for inflicting pain and suffering no longer could be met.

Luckily for the team did they catch a Minotaur, who now is under the personal care and training of Zhartas, making him more focussed and at peace for the coming matches.

Favoured meal: Anyone tortured to death, preferrably an Elf.

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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