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"Shunt" The Piercer

"Shunt" The Piercerretired
Gutter Runner,
Blight Lurkers team retired


Interceptions: 0
Completions: 5
Touchdowns: 8
Casualties: 0
MVP awards: 1
Star Player Points: 34
MA ST AG AV Skills
9 2 4 7 Dodge, Weeping Dagger, Block, Diving Catch, Pass Block

Sustained Injuries: 1 niggling inj.

Retired during season XV.
1 niggling due to ageing
Expert ball catcher.. able to catch even the most difficult passes from "Sgt Bash" Warpfire,, that is something to admire, and something he will pass on to the team.

Had played on, though marked with som signs of old age, the knees not what they used to be.

Retired to assistant coach, as
Interception and Ballhandling Teacher, along with the other eksperienced players.
"Razer" Nails, Defence Specialist
"HypnoDisc" Spinner, Head of Charge running
"S.M.I.D.S.Y" Fowler, Kickemwhentheyrdown Master.
"Mouse Trap" Traitor, Apoth,Injury Avoidance Expert.

Were hired during Season 13 along with.
"Pussycat" Shreads
"Razer" Nails
"Diotior" Firetail
"SuicidalTendency" Blight
"Panic Attack" Lurker

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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