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Fortuna Feminina

Fortuna Feminina
High Elf Catcher,
PureBred Inquisitors team retired

   Roster number: 7  

Value: 90,000 gp

Interceptions: 0
Completions: 2
Touchdowns: 0
Casualties: 0
MVP awards: 0
Star Player Points: 2
MA ST AG AV Skills
8 3 4 7 Catch 

Sustained Injuries: none


-- PureBred Inquisitors has retired team retired --.
Fortuna joined the team for the semifinal of the teams first season - ie season 14 in the AROS calender.....

She was chosen to bring the powers of Lady Luck to the team. And as the daugther of the grand Lady, she might just do that.....

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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