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Deadly Doom team retired


Interceptions: 0
Completions: 0
Touchdowns: 0
Casualties: 0
MVP awards: 1
Star Player Points: 5
MA ST AG AV Skills
4 2 2 8 Regeneration 

Sustained Injuries: -ST

Retired during season XV.
Appearences: 9/9
Injuries: 1
Enlisted on the team after round 1 of XV before match 42.

Never missed a match but retired after his first injury where he failed to regenerate from a broken collar bone.

Simply taken from the T pile of Necromancer Kynde's zombies.

Merits in season XV:
5 spp: 1 MVP in the match after which he retired!
Round 3: Thrown out for a tactical foul. Only stun!
Quaterfinal: Fouled SI(61) -ST by Malik, failed to regenerate and with ST 2 he were retired as assisting coach for DD. Obtained the MVP after the match!

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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