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ElīTael Darksun

ElīTael Darksun
Dark Elf Blitzer,
Death Extravagante team retired

   Roster number: 3  

Value: 210,000 gp

Interceptions: 0
Completions: 5
Touchdowns: 17
Casualties: 16  (1 was a kill!)
MVP awards: 7
Star Player Points: 123
MA ST AG AV Skills
7 3 4 8 Block, Dodge, Side Step, Diving Tackle, Guard, Fend

Sustained Injuries: none


-- Death Extravagante has retired team retired --.
Elītael is the perfect defensive player.
His evasive dodges that leaves would be attackers standing and diving tackles makes him perfect at man marking. The fact that heīs also capable of lending in a helping hand in any infight makes his above mentioned evasive abilities even more frustrating for the opposition and usable for us.

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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