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Violently Demised team retired

   Roster number: 10  

Value: 60,000 gp

Interceptions: 0
Completions: 0
Touchdowns: 0
Casualties: 2  (1 was a kill!)
MVP awards: 2
Star Player Points: 14
MA ST AG AV Skills
4 3 2 7 Regeneration, Kick

Sustained Injuries: -AV
Must miss the next match due to injury


-- Violently Demised has retired team retired --.
Sawing is a method of torture and execution.
The condemned was hung upside down and then sawed apart down the middle, starting at the crotch. Since the condemned was hanging upside-down, the brain received a continuous blood supply in spite of severe bleeding. The victim would remain alive and conscious until the saw severed the major blood vessels of the abdomen, and sometimes even longer.

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Coach Prize

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