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Black Morris

Black Morrisdead
Saurus Blocker,
Silverado Snakeskins team retired


Interceptions: 0
Completions: 0
Touchdowns: 0
Casualties: 1
MVP awards: 1
Star Player Points: 7
MA ST AG AV Skills
6 4 1 9 ?

Sustained Injuries:  DEATH!

Was killed in the match Red Krakens - Silverado Snakeskins (Season XXI, cross-over 8).
The Morris Dance, is danced every spring to herald and welcome the summer months. The dancers wear tinkling bells and colorful clothes to symbolize the return of color and sounds in nature.

Unbeknown to most, there is a second dance. Danced with no spectators at an undisclosed location at the coming of autumn. To ensure the circle of nature there MUST be a second dance. The dancers do not smile, they wear black clothes and their bells are silent as the grave. Nothing is said, but the dance must be danced every autumn, as nature faces its death.

This dance is known as the black Morris.

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Coach Prize

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