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Bael Stormwrath

Bael StormwrathBounty of 40 kgp
Dark Elf Lineman,
Death Extravagante team retired

   Roster number: 11  

Value: 200,000 gp

Interceptions: 0
Completions: 27
Touchdowns: 17
Casualties: 3  (1 was a kill!)
MVP awards: 7
Star Player Points: 119
MA ST AG AV Skills
6 3 5 9 Dodge, +AG, +AV, Leap, Wrestle

Sustained Injuries: 1 niggling inj.


-- Death Extravagante has retired team retired --.
There is a bounty of Bounty40 000 gp on this player's head.
Bael Stormwrath is an absolute keyplayer. He is a great individualist and hard skinned.
His high dexterity and acrobatic abilities lead him to do moves most others wouldnīt even consider - let alone execute.
Always able to break through an otherwise perfect defensive line. His toughness allow him to take chances in situations others might hesitate at.
He is the teamīs back-up quaterback and back-up sacker.

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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