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Jette Stue

Jette Stuedead
Elf Catcher,
Blood Bowl Bunnies team retired


Interceptions: 0
Completions: 0
Touchdowns: 17
Casualties: 0
MVP awards: 3
Star Player Points: 66
MA ST AG AV Skills
9 3 4 7 Catch, Nerves of Steel, +MA, Sprint, Dodge, Leap

Sustained Injuries: 1 niggling inj.  DEATH!

Was killed in the match Blood Bowl Bunnies - Double Dodgers (Season XXVIII, cross over 7).
Big, spacey and with a stone age feel. That is Jette. Excellent for filling a large hole in the roster.

She entered the team before the 8th round match of season 24 and was killed in the 6th round match of season 28. She played a total of 27 matches for the team.

"Alvorlig taler ved alfarvej
Med grønsvær tækket de gamles grave;
Henfarne slægter - forglem dem ej!
I arv de gav dig en ædel gave.
Henfarne slægter
I landets marv
Sig ej fornægter
Bevar din arv!"

Johannes V. Jensen, Nobel Literature Prize laureate 1944


Acclaims and accolades:



1. Tied for 8th place on the season 26 top scorer list.



Current Champions
Coach Prize

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