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Baron Fritz

Baron Fritzretired
Saurus Blocker,
Silverado Snakeskins team retired


Interceptions: 0
Completions: 0
Touchdowns: 0
Casualties: 4
MVP awards: 2
Star Player Points: 18
MA ST AG AV Skills
6 4 1 9 Dodge, Break Tackle

Sustained Injuries: 1 niggling inj.

Retired during season XIII.
1 niggling due to ageing
Baron Frits is a former wrestler, who didn't like the lack of death in modern wrestling and after the "no exessive chewing" rule was introduced, he quit. Now he is having a go at Blood Bowl, and hoping to rack up some kills before long.
Many has questioned the decision for The Snakeskins to purchase this player. Because of his fame, his wages are astronomical for a small town team such as this!

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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