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Deranged Damsels

Race:  Amazon
Coach:  Jakob B
The memders of the new all-woman Blood Bowl team the Deranged Damsels, are rumoured to be followers of a sertain chaos god and are supposed to be playing the game in tribute to this unnamed deity.

This being said the influence of this patron remains to be seen on the pitch

Amazon logo
no custom team badge
Bulletin board from the coach
Oct. 8th, 2007 - old news
That could have been a lot worse
Phewww, the team actually survived the dreaded match against the dreaded Eurobowl Champions, with only minor injuries to show for the pummeling it recieved.
Surely this is proof of divine favor.
Well on to the mummies.
- Jakob B
Sep. 7th, 2007 - old news
praise sl...... prince of chaos
The Deranged Damsels are looking forward to their first experience on the holy pitch of Nuffle. treat us gently guys
- Jakob B
Tournaments played:
Season XIX, Season XX
Trophies won:

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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