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Sindarin Lords

Race:  Wood Elf
Coach:  Steffen
In a time long before the time of man. A great elven kingdom was established in the forest of Doriath. From this hallowed land came the Elves known as the Sindarin, second in might and splender only to the High-elves beyond the western shore.

After the ruin of Doriath, a small band of these elves sought ways in which they might yet bestow vengance upon all evil things. So in the end they chose to do this on the field playing the game of BLOOD BOWL.

So beware, all those of evil intent. . .

Sindarin Lords team badge
Bulletin board from the coach
Dec. 10th, 2004 - old news
After this miserable season top thrower Beleg Cathelion has chosen to leave the lords. Cripling the team even further. After this decision, the head coach decided not to play the next season in aros. We simply dont stand a chance was his remark.
- Steffen
Nov. 8th, 2004 - old news
By now this season we have lost players for 370k, and none of them had injuries up front. They totalled an amount beyond 100 SPP and included both a lineman, a wardancer and 2 catchers. Two of the best players in the league where lost this way. Furthermore 3 new nigglings have been gained due to injuries, and our fanfactor has remained at the same level as when we started.

It is beyond all doubt a miserable season for the Lords. May the valar stand by us in our troubbles.
- Steffen
Oct. 23rd, 2004 - old news
We have no longer the strenght. Our finest player Legolas Greenleaf has left for the halls of mandos. Slain by Hanzz. We shall find none to replace the loss, ever shall we miss him, ever shall the gap remain.
- Steffen
Oct. 21st, 2004 - old news
Victory and mirth is followed by grief as we lost another catcher. Lenwë shall be missed, we can only hope that his son can fill out the space that was left.
- Steffen
Tournaments played:
season XI, season XII, season XIII
Trophies won:

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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