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Match result

season X, round 3
Team badge
Dark Moon Dirglers

gate: 73 000
3 TD score 1
cas score
Team badge
Headz'n'Tailzz BBC


profile Shagratt Knee-shaker
profile Shagratt Knee-shaker
profile Borkan retired
TD Scorers
profile Squik A'lot Hall of Fame Bounty (50000 gp) retired
Foulers (no cas)

profile Arcuran
mercenary / fans / random event
profile Zoraq Bollogs retired
Chief Blacktooth
Badly Hurt'ers
profile Hanzz dead
Serious Injurers
profile Bone Chewie Hall of Fame Bounty (20000 gp) retired
mercenary / fans / random event
profile Bone Chewie Hall of Fame Bounty (20000 gp) retired
mercenary / fans / random event

Completions By
profile Fang'zy TouzzH Bounty (10000 gp) dead
profile Fang'zy TouzzH Bounty (10000 gp) dead
profile Fang'zy TouzzH Bounty (10000 gp) dead
Interceptions By

profile Arcuran
MVP awards to
profile Red Eyezz
Sustained Injuries

profile Frank "black" Smith
Miss Next Game

Grimmag Elfface retired
Niggling Injury

Bignose Snotdigger dead
Result added March 4th, 2003

Match notes
if the dirglers had any trouble with their luck last season they obviously forgot all about it against the headz! everythink just happend the way the orcs wanted it! and that was not the case for the bloody useless vermin...falling and fumbling at critical times!

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