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Match result

season XII, round 4
Team badge
Reign of Seth

gate: 62 000
0 TD score 3
cas score
Team badge
Deadly Doom

TD Scorers
profile Lex Liche dead
profile The Green Ghost dead
profile Eata Corpus Bounty (20000 gp) retired
Foulers (no cas)

Ramses 3 - Pharaoh
Badly Hurt'ers
mercenary / fans / random event
mercenary / fans / random event

Ramses 3 - Pharaoh
Ankh Ramon - High Seer
Serious Injurers
mercenary / fans / random event
Completions By
profile Eata Corpus Bounty (20000 gp) retired
Interceptions By

Seth - Inkarnation
MVP awards to
profile Brill dead
Sustained Injuries

victim regenerated
Miss Next Game
victim regenerated
victim regenerated
Result added March 16th, 2004

Match notes
Total victory for Deadly Doom as they not only removed the opposing mummies form the pitch, even being ahead in on pitch mummies for a short while, but also winning their biggest victory ever 3-0. It is the first time they have been 3 TD ahead.
Nevertheless it should be noted that it was only two of the Khemri mummies that made any "real" casualties, as the three made by DD was all due to a replacement ref, that was to intimidated to call any fouls...

As if it wasn't enough with four mummies the rookie Blitz-Ra Ne phir Mekhet - South King had practiced his hitting skills for this match, and was a real knuckel duster, making it no less than 5 mighty blow players on RoS.

This was though quickly changed as the match was kicked off by RoS, as the first blitz by Ramses the 5th resulted in a KO on Seth - Inkarnation and another mummy was also stunned. These great results was undoubtly a result of the briliant coaching of Necromancer Kynde.

But already in the next turn another Ramses (grandfather of the DD version) Ramses 3 - Pharaoh took his revenge when he BH Zed the Zombie. But at this time DD already had the drive in control, and in turn two the ball was run safely down the mummyless wide zone, and the only skeleton in sight was fouled stunned by dirty player Argos. So it was like stealing bones from a skeleton when Eata Corpus in turn 3 handed the ball to Lex Liche who then scored for 1-0. This earned him his second skill: Shadowing to tackle.

The KOed mummy came back wereas the BH Zed did not regenerate. But during the rage of the fans after the TD, the ref got killed in the mist of it, and his replacement was not interested in making any fans mad for the rest of the half.

In the end it was only the more experienced players on DD who took advantage of this. Already in their first turn, was the mighty blow Blitz-Ra Ne phir Mekhet - South King knocked down by Ramses the 5th and in came Eata Corpus with a dodge and two go for it, to foul him KO! Next turn Argos fouled mummy Ankh Ramon - High Seer KO which was possible because he fell on a go for it for a blitz! And then Eata Corpus blitzed the other blitz-ra KO too, in the only turn DD did not foul.

At this point, the ball carying Thro-ra Pheruk Ramun - cursed seer was cornered, with only one mummy close, but he mangaged to back away from the emediate threat. But after the obligatory foul (Geleb Reanimated BH Ramman - Slave) a blitz by mummy Ra in DDs turn 7 resulted in the Thro-ra standing next to the side line with a mummy on the outside. In the same turn two more KOs came about, dirty player Argos blocked another skeleton KO, and Ramses the 5th KOed his second mummy Imothep - relentless traitor.

In a last desperate chance to score, Pheruk Ramun - cursed seer with the ball, blitzed Ra two dice against and got him down on both down and the dodge explosion, and ran for the end zone. But he had to push it to be able to reach it in last turn, and then he fell...

In DDs last turn Ramses 3 - Pharaoh was knocked over by grandchild Ramses the 5th and was BH in a foul by Argos. Already at this point all four mummies had been off pitch once. In the end a short pass was not caught and DD had to settle for 1-0 after first half.

At this point only 1 mummy and a total of 4 RoS players was on pitch, and although Ramses 3 - Pharaoh regenerated then only the KO blitz-ra without mighty blow came back from the KO box

It was hence only 7 against 11 as DD kicked it off, and 2 vs 2 on both mummies and mighty blow. But this was not enough for the DD fan who stunned one of the mummies Seth - Inkarnation with a rock. So only 6 RoS players were ready , and got the ball into a cage. But Ramses the 5th got into the midst of this cage, and Argos made the last foul of the game to SI the rocked mummy, leaving only 1 mummy against 2... Altough this mummy Ramses 3 - Pharaoh SI Xorn, there was no chance against the overmight, and already in turn two could DD make their only second completion as Eata Corpus passed the ball to The Green Ghost who untreatened could seal the deal by scoring to 2-0 two turns later.

Before the last kick-off the SI players on each team regenereated and it was 11 DD vs 9 RoS as DD kicked off for the last time. All these players took DD by some surprise with a quick snap.

For the first time however Pheruk Ramun - cursed seer failed to pick up the ball, but only to see a scatter in DDs next turn go to him to be caught on a 6. He managed to pass it from within a bunch of players, although it did not end were he intended, but came down close to two Khemri mummies, and DD failed to do much about it next turn.

In RoS last turn there were, however, no chance to score so they tried to stop the damage, by caging the ball with 3 mummies on LoS, before Ankh Ramon - High Seer SI Conan (who regenerated after the match).

DD was, however, not ready to give it up, although they had spend all re-rolls. A few well placed blocks (one without block by mummy Ra to make the ball scatter out of the cage) and a blitz by Ramses the 5th to leave only one mummy TZ on the ball opened op for a possible TD. And then Snufitt Wice made his signature move for the match. Running to pick up the ball in the TZ, dodging out and handing if off to AG 4 star Ghoul Eata Corpus who caught it in a TZ, dodged, rolling 1, but then 6 on the dodge re-roll to be able to stroll in for the 3-0 TD in the very last turn of the match. The chance of this turn succeding would be about 1/4...

Total victory vs Total defeat!

RoS earned the 50 k they needed for a new Thro-ra, and DD earned 70 k giving them 90 k, enough for Count von Drakennbourg?

Both teams fans liked the match enough to stay with the teams, despite 3 TDs against RoS, and despite that DD's mummies did not make a sole casualty!

But that was also the only thing DD could complain about in this bone vs bone game.

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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