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Eldahmar "Broken" Chain

Eldahmar "Broken" Chaindead
Deadly Doom team retired


Interceptions: 0
Completions: 0
Touchdowns: 0
Casualties: 0
MVP awards: 1
Star Player Points: 5
MA ST AG AV Skills
4 3 2 8 Regeneration 

Sustained Injuries:  DEATH!

Was killed in the match Deadly Doom - Alzheim Overlords (season XV, round 2).
Raised from the corpse of Eldahmar Chainbarrier
Appearances: 9/9
Injuries: 3
Raised onto the team during round 5 XIV from Wood Elf lineman Eldahmar Chainbarrier

Never missed a match until he were killed in his 9th appereance and failed to regenerate.

After he was raised he had the guts to get up on the LoS against his former team mates much to their consternation. :D Even managed to take down treeman Stonebark Roottaker from his former team!

Merits in season XIV:
0 spp Raised on to the team in round 5.

Merits in season XV:
5 spp 1 MVP
Total 5 spp: 1 MVP.
Round 1: MVP for knocking down a Troll so he could be fouled BH by Xorn.
Round 2. Killed by Udo Koch and failed to regenerate.

3 Injures
BH by Heiko Herrlich. (1/8, XIV)
BH in a foul but regenerated. (Final, XIV )
Killed by Udo Koch and failed to regnerate (2, XV)
1, XV (For taking down a troll for a BHing foul)

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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