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Holger Bech Nielsen Jr.

Holger Bech Nielsen Jr.
Terrible Wiseguys the 2nd team retired

   Roster number: 1  

Value: 60,000 gp

Interceptions: 0
Completions: 0
Touchdowns: 0
Casualties: 0
MVP awards: 2
Star Player Points: 10
MA ST AG AV Skills
6 2 3 7 Chainsaw, Secret Weapon, Stunty, Dodge

Sustained Injuries: none


-- Terrible Wiseguys the 2nd has retired team retired --.
The father of Holger Bech Nielsen Jr. was Holger Bech Nielsen who has made original contributions to theoretical particle physics specifically in the field of string theory. Several nuclear physics concepts are named after him, e.g. Nielsen-Olesen Vortex and the Nielsen-Ninomiya no-go theorem for representing chiral fermions on the lattice. He is known in Denmark for his enthusiastic public lectures on physics, where he runs from one side of the auditorium to the other as a looney.

Hence, Jr. here, who may not be so gifted in the thinking department, can maybe make his father proud by acting like a true Looney on the BB field?

Although he used his saw, he did make the fist casualty of the team. Actually that BH he made was the first the team ever did on pitch. He should be proud!

In the 3rd match he made yet another BH and managed to stay on pitch for the whole of first half before getting ejected!

And when he both BH yet antoher player and took out feared mino Prion KO from turn 1 to turn 16 (neither turns included) he of course became MVP. He also took down the ball carrier giving TV2 the first of two TDs in the 2-0 win. After that he was blitzed down and BH him self. :D

Made the teams first kill in the fifth match. But it was by fouling Palle, and he got send off for it!

SI in the 6th match and misses the 7th. But first after sawing the ball carrier down. To no avail though, but we did manage a tie.

Getting BH in the first match of season 24 was good enough to become MVP for the 2nd time and now he is as skilled a dodger as the rest of the gobos.

Round 2 he was BH again by falling on his saw in an attempt to reach an opponent to blitz. But before that he had good use of his new dodging abilities and also sawed down the ball carrier!

In round 4 he got BH again, but first after KOing a tackle blitzer and giving a niggling injury to Gony Tonzalez who probably retired due to this!

In round 7 he first BH a snotling Ole Opkast and then an Ogre Ib Idiot. Also a KO failed to come back!

Jr. was on the roster for the teams' first match.

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