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Freelance Frogs

Race:  Slann
Coach:  Ulrik

Freelance Frogs team badge
Bulletin board from the coach
Sep. 28th, 2009 - old news
..A giant leap for frogkind
A small step for Freelance Frogs but a giant leap for frogkind, occured in the match Freelance Frogs - Flowers By Irene (Season XXIII, round 3) when the Freelance Frogs finally made their debut as the first frogs ever to grace the fields of blood and glory in the world renowned Aros Blood Bowl League,
And what a first game it was! Despite the disappointment of failing to score an offensive touchdown, the aggressive frog defence showed its worth, scoring twice, never allowing the orcs to even cross the line of scrimage.

Looking forward we can only expect to leapfrog our way up the tables and finish in first place of the lower bracket!

We back our smack! can you!?!
- Ulrik
Tournaments played:
Season XXIII
Trophies won:

Current Champions
Coach Prize

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